The scariest thing I know…

….. is the blank pages of a new sketch book!

Let me explain

When I was in uni I had to learn how to draw, it’s not that I wasn’t good at it I just didn’t have time. And doing an art degree drawing is fairly important.

I wound myself up to the point I’d hate drawing on a blank piece of paper so I’d buy charity shop novels and use them as sketch books.

This worked in 2 ways, the page wazent blank so it didn’t matter if I made a mistake and also the text on the pages always added extra depth and intrigue to my drawings.

Eventually I became this confident colourful person who could draw and draw and draw and never worried about making mistakes.

And then life…

Anxiety took over and now I need to figure out how I can possibly become that strong creative fearless person again.

I tried drawing on lined paper when my daughter was napping and very little and I love the results but for Christmas I’ve bought a brand new blank sketch book and it scares me.

What if I get it wrong? Does this through terrify anyone else?

Hello dolly!

I love this movie, but it’s not what I’m talking about right now.

What I’m talking about is making little dolls and characters.

This is my newest member, I decided I needed to just do instead of make loads of lists so I drew her free hand onto fabric and hand stitched her.

I’m very proud of her isent she pretty.

I always loved working this small, I liked making little friend and giving them names and personalities.

Next is this little friend!

Lets Get it on!

Well hi there! and Welcome back.

Honestly its a bit of a revelation for me too, to be writing a blog again after 2 years of being preggy and then being mummy.

And now my daughter is in nursary (well not at the moment we are all quarentines with illness but meh!) and I have a tiny, not huge bit of time to myself.

I also seem to be unhierable which isent a great situation to be in.

The plus side?

I have a huge amount of trinkets and badges which i made pre-preggy which i think are good enough to sell.

And I am feeling very crafty,with a cupboard full of “free” materials let’s get this thing going!

So with a little planning and some hard work (mainly on Facebook and etsy) I’m fairly determined to get myself put of a slump and into creativity!


Its getting colder!

And rainier!! that’s probably not a word though!

I cant wait for Autumn, not only because it is now 99 days till Christmas!

BUT! All the lovely autumn fashion, summer is akward, hot, sticky and just plain uncomfortable. And obviously completely unsutible for a cardigan.

But Autumn is beautiful and crisp, vibrant colours full of interesting bookish fashion and wonderful boots!

I cant wait can you?



After our first few craftivism meetings we are feeing excited and ready for a crafty fling! 

Workshops next!! And I’ve been toying with the idea of stitching and badges. 

And the name “stitch and bounce” has been batted around which I am totally in love with! 

So to wet your apitite here is my stitching insperation board enjoy! ! 

Summer Holiday

Barring Cliff Richards does anyone else love British summer holidays like me? probably not.

mainly because I have a love/hate relationship with Summer.

I love that I get a tan and look all healthy!

I hate that it doesn’t last all year unless I maintain an enormous amount of sun bed upkeep.

I love ice-cream.

No wait…. LOVE ice-cream! especially Joes in Mumbles.

I hate brain freeze and the fact that I cant live off it.

And the worst part about British Summers……. the rain, that’s right it rains more than it shines. soggy barbeque anyone!!

So to cheer you all up on this soggy summer day I made a board of all the beautiful pastel dreams that summer should be about…. close your eyes and dream of campervan. sigh!


An amazing opportunity has been given to me. 

I am all in favour of getting my own opportunities and getting my own experiences, however…

My trending stories is an up and coming blog website full of interesting writers, determined opinions and fantastic stories and they want me.

For now I’m trying to collect my thoughts over coffee (what else!) And find insperation in writing “articles”

That word is quite scary! An article is long and wordy and has to have better words than “wordy” and a few grammar checks wouldn’t go a miss.

Plus I have to have something to say! What do I have to say? 


The sun has got its hat on! 

I find it amazing how awful British people are at summer, we can’t take it the tiniest hint of the sun and we either turn red and start matching different season clothing together, normaly with disastrous results.

Or we complain. We are world class complainers it should be a sport or at least a school subject. 

Listening to snipppits of conversations lately I have decided that of the weather wasent a conversation starter we would literally sit in silence! 

And the rain makes it all more exciting! 

A very important date!

If you didn’t sing the rest of the song from the title I’m afraid we just can’t be friends… ok I’ll forgive you! 

Anyway the real reason for this post is the date of the first swansea Craftivism meeting!! Woo hoo! 

On the 6th of August in the lovely square peg coffee shop at 2.30 pm there will be stitching and chatting and general Merriment over coffee and cake! 

I’ve even taken insperation  from the woman herself Sarah Corbett and repurposed Matilda my suitcase for all the materials and bobs you may need! 

Just bring yourself and some thinking power and we will get along fine! 

Grown up! 

I am not a grown up… not even slightly! 

I feel I’ve taken serious steps in the last year by studying to be a teacher but does that equel maturity….. 


And nothing says childlike like a paddle in the sea and a joes ice cream!